
When you decided that you wanted a work-related reading, what were you really seeking, {FIRSTNAME}?

Do you want answers on how you can continue working your life away for someone else’s benefit? 

Do you want a career reading to predict where you’ll be in the next 10 years? 

Or, do you want to know the true work you were meant to do here on this planet? 

There is a big difference between a career and a soul purpose, {FIRSTNAME}. 

It doesn’t surprise me that you wanted some spiritual insight on what’s in store for your work-life next -- especially since we’re facing such crazy, unpredictable times. 

However, I want to encourage you to think past the now. 

In fact, I want to even encourage you to let go of thinking too much about the future.  

What your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors would really like me to help you focus on is the feeling of what you’re currently working on. 

Does it feel good or does it feel draining? 

This is an indicator of whether or not you’re on the right path to discovering what work you’re truly here to accomplish in this lifetime. 

I want you to know that the reason for your struggles with work and your career is one I see quite a bit when I do readings for my clients.

It’s a necessary pivotal point in your life to question whether or not you’re doing the right thing. 

The truth is that you’re always right where you need to be

Even if you’re not completely with your work situation (or lack thereof), the Universe is preparing you for a divine soul mission that only you can accomplish. 

Don’t you see, {FIRSTNAME}? 

This is much bigger than a “career path.” 

I will share some additional insights with you in just a minute about exactly how you can discover your divine Soul Path and become empowered to fulfill the mission you were born to accomplish in this lifetime.

And when you discover these immaculate plans that the Universe has always had for you, your worries about your work life will no longer be a concern for you. At ALL!

Change doesn’t happen overnight, {FIRSTNAME}. 

In fact, the most growth happens when you’re able to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to become the best version of yourself, which may look a little different than how you’re showing up today. 

There’s no doubt in my mind that you came here to do very important work -- work that is going to positively impact the planet forever!  

Love life

In a day and age where we appear to be more connected, more people report actually feeling more anxious, sad, and lonely than any other period in time. 

It’s not surprising that you are worried about your love life, {FIRSTNAME}. 

As with anything in this perplexing Universe, there is a polarity. 

The very thing that was meant to bring us together -- social media, dating apps, chat rooms, and phone lines -- all of these modern ways to connect with people are actually drawing us further and further apart. 

Romantic relationships were never easy to navigate, but it’s especially difficult to find the unconditionally loving connections that we all want with this lingering expectation of instant gratification

Whether you’re single, dating around, in a serious relationship, or going through a breakup, this idea that you should be able to find love and keep it instantly is unrealistic and unfulfilling on a soul level. 

To add the cherry on top, we’re all facing unprecedented times that really call that craving for love and security to the surface...

But, {FIRSTNAME}, the reason for your struggles with your love life -- even in these crazy times-- is one I see quite a bit when I do readings for my clients. 

You see, when people are not fulfilling their soul’s divine mission, it negatively affects their vibration

And your vibration is what makes you attractive to others that will match your vibration. 

Sure, you might be attracted to people who are happy and confident…

But are you happy and confident? 

If not, you won’t be able to keep that type of person in your life. You two will simply vibrate on two different levels. 

If you want to truly be in a loving, committed, successful relationship, the best thing you can do is learn about yourself and your divine soul mission. 

I will share some insights with you in just a minute about exactly how you can discover your divine Soul Path and what you can start doing today to begin fulfilling it. 

Change doesn’t happen overnight, {FIRSTNAME}. 

In fact, the most growth happens when you’re able to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to become the best version of yourself, which is emotionally intelligent, spiritually inclined, and showing up confidently in the world. 

There’s no doubt in my mind that you came here to do very important work -- work that is going to positively impact the planet forever. 

You’ll see, {FIRSTNAME}...

Once you start living your own divine truth, you’ll experience what true unconditional love feels like from a passionate, magnetic, equal partner. 

And when you do that, your worries about your love life will no longer be a concern for you. At ALL!


It’s not surprising to me that you would ask about your health, {FIRSTNAME}.  

In the past, I would pull a lot of cards for people wanting to know about their love life or career, but I think most people on our planet are concerned about their health right now...

I mean, we’re in the midst of a full-blown pandemic -- and it’s been going on for a while now…

Far more countries than not are sitting on the edge of their seats when the topic of health insurance comes up…

And with climate change and population concerns, the entire planet is facing a food shortage…

You have all the reasons to want to know how you can protect yourself and your loved ones the best way you can in these crazy times. 

However, I think that it’s important to remind you that the number one catalyst for all disease (dis-ease) in the body is stress. 

Stress can cause inflammation, negatively affect your immune system, and make you susceptible to a plethora of health concerns.  

Do you know what the underlying cause of stress is, {FIRSTNAME}? 

Not living in your true purpose, self-expression, and soul-guided happiness. 

If you’ve been living a life that’s run by others -- a job, your parents, or even your partner -- you would rightfully feel off

Your soul has its own individual mission and no one else can decide to truly live it but you. 

If you do muster up the courage to learn more about what your spirit is here to do, you’ll quickly find that this is the fastest way to improve your overall health. 

You’ll be happier, live more abundantly, and have time to take care of yourself inside and out.

I will share some insights with you in just a minute about exactly how you can discover your divine Soul Path and what you can start doing today to begin fulfilling it. 

Change doesn’t happen overnight, {FIRSTNAME}. 

In fact, the most growth happens when you’re able to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to become the best version of yourself, which may look a little different than how you’re showing up today. 

There’s no doubt in my mind that you came here to do very important work -- work that is going to positively impact the planet forever. 

You’ll see, {FIRSTNAME}...

Once you start living your own divine truth, you’ll experience how empowering it feels to be in a body that you know serves you! 

And when you do that, your concerns about your health will no longer be an issue for you. 


One of the biggest pieces of this huge human experience puzzle is learning to manifest wealth and abundance

It doesn’t surprise me that you’re worried about your finances, {FIRSTNAME}. In fact, many people usually are -- but especially now financial stability is a hot topic. 

Even though you may feel like it, you’re not alone! 

Unfortunately, money is just one of those subjects that we’re programmed not to talk about much. 

Truly, this is counterproductive because if we did discuss finances more, we might all learn this secret that the powers that be don’t want us to know: 

We live in an abundant universe -- there’s enough to go around for all of us, even in a pandemic! 

There are people all over the world that are facing unemployment. 

Others have had to start working twice as hard to get their business off the ground. 

And a lot of people have burned through their savings just trying to hang on...

But, {FIRSTNAME}, I want you to know that the reason for your financial struggles is one I see quite a bit when I do readings for my clients. 

Like I mentioned earlier, wealth and abundance is just one part of the puzzle here on your divine soul mission. 

In fact, these lessons must be learned early on so that you can fulfill your divine Soul Path! 

You see, when people are not fulfilling their life mission, abundance doesn’t flow easily in their lives. 

This theory also works adversely: when people are not in a vibration of attractions, they are not granted the abundant freedom to fulfill their life mission. 

Do you see how it goes hand in hand, {FIRSTNAME}? 

But... when you can learn what is truly destined for you on your Soul Path, abundance flows freely into your life. 

I will share some insights with you in just a minute about exactly how you can discover more about your unique mission and what you can start doing today to begin fulfilling it. 

Change usually doesn’t happen overnight, {FIRSTNAME} -- but a shift in your mindset can flip the switch of abundance on in your favor. 

There’s no doubt in my mind that you came here to do very important work -- work that is going to positively impact the planet forever. 

You’ll see, {FIRSTNAME}...

Once you start living your own divine truth, you’ll experience this wave of relief as material wealth as well as freedom and time become second nature to you! 

And when you do that, your worries about financial stability will fade far from your mind once and for all. 


Some of the most difficult lessons we must learn in this life happen to come from our family, {FIRSTNAME}.

Unfortunately, in order for us to learn lessons on a soul level -- to truly learn them and remember them -- there needs to be emotion attached to them. 

There’s an old saying that goes, “Someone may not remember exactly what happened to them, but they’ll definitely remember how it made them feel.” 

This rings so true when you have conflicts between the people that you love the most. 

Really, your family is the first group of people that first taught you about love. 

So when there is a riff between those you care about, it can feel like your whole world doesn’t make sense. 

Right now more than ever, we should be trying to create close-knit bonds with the people that are closest to us. 

Although the energy is calling us all to do that, many of us are having to deal with issues that we’ve never had before. 

I mean, when was the last time that you were forced to be in the house with your family for more than a couple of days straight? 

It can be difficult! There are personalities clashing all over the planet which are truly bringing suppressed issues to the surface. 

And I’m not surprised that you are worried about your family, {FIRSTNAME}. It’s actually a good thing to care about the conflict you’re facing right now. 

It shows that you want to reconcile, but first, you must take care of yourself. 

You see, if you are not fulfilling your life mission, it affects your happiness, which affects the relationships with people all around you. 

The same goes for your mom, your dad, your siblings, and your distant family, too! 

When people are happy, they have better communication skills and they inspire and encourage those around them rather than projecting their ideas of how life should be onto them, {FIRSTNAME}. 

I’ve discovered that when these same clients with family concerns begin walking their divine Soul Path, abundance of all types (including cohesive family life) flows freely into their lives. 

If you want to create a tight-knit bond with your loved ones, the best thing you can do is learn about yourself and your divine soul mission. 

I will share some insights with you in just a minute about exactly how you can discover your divine Soul Path and what you can start doing today to begin fulfilling it. 

Change doesn’t happen overnight, {FIRSTNAME}. 

In fact, the most growth happens when you’re able to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to become the best version of yourself, which is emotionally intelligent, spiritually inclined, and showing up confidently in the world. 

There’s no doubt in my mind that you came here to do very important work -- work that is going to positively impact the planet forever. 

You’ll see, {FIRSTNAME}...

Once you start living your own divine truth, you’ll experience what true happiness feels like inside the home and outside. 

And when you do that, your concerns about your family will no longer be an issue for you. 


Ouch! Having problems with work is miserable, {FIRSTNAME}. I know this very well myself, having lived in dead end jobs most of my life (until I found a way out!)  

And as you may guess, it's also the 3rd biggest issue I get in readings!

In my experience, after conducting thousands of intuitive readings relating to work issues... they are usually a result of not fulfilling your life mission and true CALLING. 

As a result, there are blockages that stop abundance from flowing easily in your life. 

But... when you are walking your divine Soul Path, abundance and work happiness flows freely into your life like a mighty unstoppable river.

And, {FIRSTNAME}, it may very well be that you too, are not yet doing the type of work you were born to do. 

Here's a simple trick to find out if this is true, or not.

Ask yourself this question "Am I EXCITED to wake up and do the work I do?"

If you aren't EXCITED to do the work you are being paid to do right now, then that's a surefire sign something is wrong. 

I don’t want you to be concerned though, {FIRSTNAME}, because... 

I will share some additional insights with you in just a minute about how to dramatically shift your finances and work situation by igniting your divine Soul Path that is only meant for YOU!

And when you do that, your worries about your work life will no longer be a concern for you. At ALL!

I can see a very bright future for your career, {FIRSTNAME}. So hang in there because you are only taking the first step today, very soon your life will look and feel totally different.



More Fulfilling. 

Love life

Ouch! Having problems with love and relationships is miserable, {FIRSTNAME}. I know this very well myself, having lived in broken relationships most of my adult life.  

And as you may guess, it's also the 2nd biggest issue I get in readings!

In my experience, after conducting thousands of intuitive readings relating to love issues... they are usually a result of not fulfilling your life mission and true CALLING. 

You see my dear, if you are not fulfilling your life mission and feeling happy about yourself, it affects your VIBRATION

And your vibration is what makes you attractive (or not) to others.

We all are attracted to people who are happy and confident. Who know what they want in life. And who are passionate about the work they are doing.

But... when you are walking your divine Soul Path, love flows freely into your life like a mighty unstoppable river.

And, {FIRSTNAME}, it may very well be that you too, are not yet fulfilling your own mission. 

Here's a simple trick to find out if this is true, or not.

Ask yourself this question "Am I EXCITED to do the work I do?"

If not, that's a surefire sign something is wrong. And this literally OOZES out of your pores, and Aura.

I don’t want you to be concerned though, {FIRSTNAME}, because... 

I will share some additional insights with you in just a minute about how to dramatically shift your love life and relationships by igniting your divine Soul Path that is only meant for YOU!

And when you do that, your worries about love will no longer be a concern for you. At ALL!

I can see a very bright future for you, {FIRSTNAME}. So hang in there because you are only taking the first step today, very soon your life will look and feel totally different.



More Fulfilling. 



Ouch! Having problems with health is absolutely miserable, {FIRSTNAME}. I know this very well myself, having lived with nagging health ailments most of my life.  

And as you may guess, it's also the 2nd biggest issue I get in readings!

In my experience, after conducting thousands of intuitive readings relating to health issues... they are usually a result of not fulfilling your life mission and true CALLING. 

You see my dear, if you are not fulfilling your life mission and feeling happy about yourself, it affects your VIBRATION

And your vibration is what allows your immune system to work like it's supposed to.

Because, vibration is nothing more than energy, and science definitively shows that energetic frequency is the internal communication structure of your entire brain and body! 

This affects your happiness, your cortisol levels, your inflammation, and how quickly the immune system fights off pathogens and HEALS

But... when they are walking their divine Soul Path, healthy energy flows freely into your life like a mighty unstoppable river.

And, {FIRSTNAME}, it may very well be that you too, are not yet fulfilling your own mission. 

Here's a simple trick to find out if this is true, or not.

Ask yourself this question "Am I EXCITED to wake up and do the work I do?"

If not, that's a surefire sign something is wrong. And this literally creates the communication (energy) taking place inside your body!

I don’t want you to be concerned though, {FIRSTNAME}, because... 

I will share some additional insights with you in just a minute about how to dramatically shift your health and cellular energy by igniting your divine Soul Path that is only meant for YOU!

And when you do that, your worries about health will no longer be a concern for you. At ALL!

I can see a very bright future for your health, {FIRSTNAME}. So hang in there because you are only taking the first step today, very soon your life will look and feel totally different.



More Fulfilling. 



Ouch! Having problems with finances is miserable, {FIRSTNAME}. I know this very well myself, having lived in poverty working dead end jobs most of my life (until I found a way out!)  

And as you may guess, it's also the #1 biggest issue I get in readings!

In my experience, after conducting thousands of intuitive readings relating to money issues... they are usually a result of not fulfilling your life mission and true CALLING. 

This causes blockages in your energetic frequency that stops abundance from flowing easily in your life. 

But... when you are walking your divine Soul Path, money flows freely into your life like a mighty unstoppable river.

And, {FIRSTNAME}, it may very well be that you too, are not yet doing the type of work you were born to do. 

Here's a simple trick to find out if this is true, or not.

Ask yourself this question "Am I EXCITED to wake up and do the work I do?"

If you aren't EXCITED to do the work you are being paid to do right now, then that's a surefire sign something is wrong. 

I don’t want you to be concerned though, {FIRSTNAME}, because... 

I will share some additional insights with you in just a minute about how to dramatically shift your finances and work situation by igniting your divine Soul Path that is only meant for YOU!

And when you do that, your worries about your work life will no longer be a concern for you. At ALL!

I can see a very bright future for your career, {FIRSTNAME}. So hang in there because you are only taking the first step today, very soon your life will look and feel totally different.



More Fulfilling. 

WITHOUT Stress Of Money!


Ouch! Having problems with work is miserable, {FIRSTNAME}. I know this very well myself, having lived in dead end jobs most of my life (until I found a way out!)  

And as you may guess, it's also the 3rd biggest issue I get in readings!

In my experience, after conducting thousands of intuitive readings relating to family issues... they are usually a result of blockages in your energy and carrying old wounds (MEMORIES!) 

These blockages shape your outlook, and make family situations even more tense and hard to deal with.  

But... when you are walking your divine Soul Path, family struggles is no longer a concern because your entire life is overflowing with happiness like a mighty unstoppable river.

And, {FIRSTNAME}, it may very well be that you too, are not yet doing the type of work you were born to do. 

Here's a simple trick to find out if this is true, or not.

Ask yourself this question "Am I EXCITED to wake up and do the work I do?"

If you aren't EXCITED to do the work you are being paid to do right now, then that's a surefire sign something is wrong. 

I don’t want you to be concerned though, {FIRSTNAME}, because... 

I will share some additional insights with you in just a minute about how to dramatically shift your family situation by igniting your divine Soul Path that is only meant for YOU!

And when you do that, your worries about your family life will no longer be a concern for you. At ALL!

I can see a very bright future for your family, {FIRSTNAME}. So hang in there because you are only taking the first step today, very soon your life will look and feel totally different.



More Fulfilling.