
Focus: Trust Yourself Over Everything

Developed: Intuitive, Psychic, Creative, Selfless, Compassionate

Underdeveloped: Confused, Naive, Indecisive, Pessimistic

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Pisces the day you were born, you’ve embodied the compassionate energy of the Fish and The Moon card. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the sensitive nature of the Fish, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Moon card as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but sometimes you seem to know things before they happen or know things about people before they are revealed. 

This is because you’ve been bestowed the gift of intuition from The Moon card. The Moon is connected to the subconscious and all of the things that we cannot see, but that we can feel. 

If there’s one thing that you’re good at doing, it’s at feeling things. Sometimes you get a bad rap for being overly emotional, but truly you show emotions that other people are afraid to expose. 

As a mutable water sign, you’re extremely sensitive to energy.  Life can become confusing to you if you don’t take time to separate your own energy from others.  

Because you are incredibly intuitive, empathic, creative, emotionally intelligent, and generous, The Moon card brings forth a duty that’s hard to logically conceptualize: you must follow your feelings in this lifetime. 

It’s your mission to lead by example that feelings are facts. They are actually a sophisticated guidance system that your soul uses to communicate with you. 

If you want to be happy, you need to step into your own unique power and stop second-guessing your feelings. This is your superpower. 

In order for your soul to feel fulfilled, you must learn to have stronger energetic boundaries so that you only say “yes” when it makes sense for you. 

Channeling your emotions into creative projects can bring your subconscious to life -- and you’ll learn that it’s a beautiful place to explore.


Focus: Keep Your Head High and Looking Forward to a Bright Future

Developed: Intelligent, Humanitarian, Independent, Creative

Underdeveloped: Detached, Aloof, Extremist, Unpredictable

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Aquarius the day you were born, you’ve embodied the revitalizing energy of the Waterbearer and The Star card. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the replenishing nature of the Waterbearer, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Star card as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but sometimes it’s difficult to connect with others because your mind is so forward-thinking.

The Star card symbolizes a shining bright light even in the darkest of night skies. It’s telling how you’re able to always keep moving forward despite current circumstances. 

As a fixed air sign, you get a bad wrap for being detached, but you’re actually one of the most caring signs of the zodiac! 

All of your innate talents -- your visionary tendencies, individuality, intelligence, and rebellious ways -- are always channeled into creating a better world for the people you care about. 

The Star card presents the challenge of keeping your eye on a brighter future, although it can be difficult to do so when you feel so many light years ahead of everyone around you. 

Try not to become too radical or unpredictable as you need your community support to rally up and make big changes in the world. 

You can also have a tendency toward egotism because your unique approaches are vastly different than other signs. Although you have genius ideas, it’s also important to check your ego. 

Yes, you’re very special {FIRSTNAME}...you’re a star for crying out loud! 

But remember, we each have our role to play and no one is better than anyone else. When you tap into your zodiac sign’s highest vibration, you’ll understand this and become the great equalizer to those around you. 


Focus: Temptation Is Apart Of The Human Experience -- It’s Not Evil

Developed: Structured, Ambitious, Disciplined, Patient

Underdeveloped: Shy, Pessimistic, Boring, Stubborn

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Capricorn the day you were born, you’ve embodied the mystical, dominating energy of the Seagoat and The Devil card. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the odd Seagoat creature that can dominate both the waters and the land, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Devil card as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card -- and that’s not anything to fear. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but sometimes you may sacrifice too much of yourself to reach the bigger goal. 

The Devil card isn’t inherently evil. 

It actually symbolizes charm, enchantment, temptation, and the human desires that we all have, but sometimes are too shy to share or indulge in. It can also represent gluttony and overindulgence -- the key here is balance.  

As an ambitious, grounded earth sign with cardinal energy, you let nothing get in the way of your reaching your goals. 

But… The Devil card is here to remind you that when you don’t acknowledge your shadow self -- those temptations and human desires -- there is a part of you that will remain stagnant. 

The Devil card depicts the mystical entity sitting on a mountain while humans appear to be chained to the bottom of it, indulging in all different types of animalistic behaviors. The Fool on its journey declares that The Devil will not be able to distract him from his journey, chaining him to the mountain like the others. 

The Devil humorously points out that the people are not chained to the mountain, they simply think that they are, revealing that the chains are loose enough for them to simply remove them themselves. 

He points to the top of the mountain where liberated humans have traveled past the base of the tempting mountain to reach their goals.

Don’t you see, {FIRSTNAME}? 

The Devil card invites you to acknowledge both parts of yourself -- your identity is not just based on your material success. 

You are a soul that is here to live the human experience in all of its highs and lows. 

You’re here to experience all facets of life in balance. It’s okay to safely indulge every once in a while! You will still be successful.


Focus: You Can Manifest Exactly What You Want

Developed: Intelligent, Spontaneous, Philosophical, Free-Spirited

Underdeveloped: Careless, Impatient, Boisterous, Inconsistent

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Sagittarius the day you were born, you’ve embodied the wild side of the Centaur and The Temperance card. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the animalistic nature of the Centaur, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Temperance card as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but you know how to get exactly what you want. If there’s one thing that you don’t believe in, it’s sacrifice.  

The Temperance card brings the energy of needing to find balance in your life -- but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to give up anything to live the life that you truly desire. 

Instead, Temperance invites you to explore the soul mission of combining forces with others, tackle problems calmly (rather than tapping into your natural beastly side), and think outside of the box. 

As an intense mutable fire sign, you bring a lot of optimism, appreciation, and gratitude to any situation which is the perfect recipe to manifest anything that you want in life.

However, you must be sure to balance both the human logic and the adventurous beast within you so that you do not jump the gun when making important life decisions. 

One thing that Temperance wants to teach you in this lifetime is patience. It’s true, {FIRSTNAME}, you will get what you want but you have to be patient enough to receive it.

Truly, the sky is the limit when you can learn to embrace the fact that your goals are attainable, no matter how big. 
All you must do is create a detailed plan of action to achieve them and relax into your innate expansive, abundant, receiving nature.


Focus: Endings Are Just New Beginnings in Disguise

Developed: Focused, Brave, Loyal, Intuitive

Underdeveloped: Possessive, Vengeful, Negative, Manipulative

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Scorpio the day you were born, you’ve embodied the power of transformation from the Phoenix and The Death card. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the power of change from the Phoenix, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Death card as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but you have a knack for seeing deep into the soul of others. 

In fact, it kind of freaks people out that you seem to know their deepest, darkest secrets. 

Your profound intuition is fueled by your natural ability to see what needs to be changed on the most intimate levels. 

The Death card symbolizes deep change and transformation and as a Scorpio, your soul mission is to undergo many transformations in your life. Honestly, you chose to be here to maximize your soul evolution and help others do the same. 

As a fixed water sign, you feel everything much more than most people and can become very attached to those emotions. 

Sometimes, it’s hard to understand why others aren’t as loyal or determined as you, but this is where your lessons lie: you must be able to detach in order to transform.

In your highest vibration, you’re incredibly honest, ambitious, discerning, and intuitive. 

However, a Scorpio in a low vibration can be borderline dangerous through possessiveness, negativity, jealousy, and resenting vengeful behavior. In order to be truly happy, you must invite in the transmuting energy of the phoenix and accept the medicine of The Death card -- that all things must come to an end one day, but that just presents an opportunity for something new to emerge.


Focus: Understand That Objectivity Can Lead to Balance

Developed: Charismatic, Romantic, Fair, Diplomatic

Underdeveloped: Unreliable, Detached, Indecisive, Superficial

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Libra the day you were born, you’ve embodied the power of balance of the Scales and The Justice card. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the fairness of the Scales, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Justice card as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but you have a knack for helping others see that there are always two sides to every story. 

The Justice card is represented by a blindfolded woman holding the balancing scales. She doesn’t value one perspective over the other, which is why she is blindfolded. Rather, she values listening to the facts and using her mind to find a logical solution to problems.   

As a cardinal air sign, your soul came here to harness the power of finding balance by using your mind. You’re already incredibly kind and inviting, which allows you to settle into your natural diplomacy with others. 

However, since you are always concerned with helping everyone get along, you have to be sure to maintain a neutral and logical stance rather than leaning towards people-pleasing. 

If you are going to make any concrete decision, it should always be the decision that is best for you, not anyone else.

Spend more time focusing on making decisions and holding yourself accountable for the ripple effects of that decision -- good or bad. Your soul wishes to evolve from the vibration experiencing “consequences.” All you have to do is change your perspective, {FIRSTNAME}, to acknowledge that you’ve simply learned from making that decision.


Focus: Connect To Yourself Through Introspection

Developed: Observant, Detail-Oriented, Analytical, Reliable

Underdeveloped: Irritable, Nitpicky, Harsh, Judgemental

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Virgo the day you were born, you’ve embodied the purity of the Virgin and The Hermit. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the clarity and cleanliness of the Virgin, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Hermit as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but you have a knack for noticing what serves no purpose and eliminating it. 

Purity is your superpower, but sometimes it can be confused as criticism. 

When you’re vibrating at a high frequency, you won’t nitpick, rather you’ll simply tap into the energy of The Hermit by respecting your need to declutter and organize your environment as well as your thoughts. 

The Hermit card signifies that your soul is fine taking its time to fulfill its divine mission. As a Virgo, you’re a mutable earth sign that values materializing your goals. You’re willing to do the work and you’re open to all of the paths that may be available to you to get there.

Sometimes it just takes a few moments of solitude for you to tap into the receiving energy of the universe. You’re someone that understands that when you ask a question, the cosmos will answer you -- you must simply sit in silence and the answer will reveal itself in time. 

As a perfectionist, you’re willing to wait for the perfect time and path. By perfectly balancing the masculine energy of hard work and the feminine energy of your intuition and discernment, there is no doubt in my mind that you will go far in life. 

Don’t let Mercury, the planet of thinking and communication, stall your plans because of anxious thoughts.

Instead, work on balancing your chakras, {FIRSTNAME} -- especially your heart and your throat --so you can get comfortable expressing these thoughts and connecting with your feelings rather than compartmentalizing them in your head. 

When you learn to use your heart and voice, you’ll develop the connections you so deeply yearn for. 


Focus: Master The Power Of Self

Developed: Optimistic, Energetic, Loyal, Expressive

Underdeveloped: Self-Centered, Egotistical, Impatient, Overpowering

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Leo the day you were born, you’ve embodied the courage of the Lion and The Strength card. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the strong roar of the Lion, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Strength card as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but you’re a natural-born leader, which means that you’re really here to lead by example even if you didn’t feel ready to. 

The world needs more examples of people who can understand that they have a dual nature as a soul existing here in this human experience -- there’s the animalistic side and there’s the pure spiritual side. 

The energy of The Strength card brings forth the courage to rein the power you have in all aspects of your life - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 

There is both a pure Maiden and the Lion on The Strength card and the Maiden used her composure and unconditional love to cease the Lion from his animalistic nature. They are both able to exist in harmony. 

You have the ability to do the same -- in fact, your soul came here to experience this lesson and teach others this lesson: there is power in practicing restraint when necessary and there is power in practicing expression when necessary.  

And as long as you practice self-control, you have the ability to overcome great obstacles that would send others running to hide, {FIRSTNAME}. 

As someone with fixed fiery energy, you have the ability to be incredibly confident, assertive, and animated.

Don’t let your natural attractiveness and ability to impress people feed your ego too much. Being confident is great. Thinking you are better than others isn’t.

Above all else, don’t resist stepping into your soul purpose by leading by example. Others are waiting and watching you step into your power -- it’s time to show up and show out! 


Focus: Embody Strength By Balancing Emotions

Developed: Faithful, Protective, Emotional, Intuitive

Underdeveloped: Obsessive, Insecure, Sensitive, Pessimistic

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Cancer the day you were born, you’ve embodied the brave spirit of the Crab and The Chariot. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the protective nature of the Crab, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Chariot as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but you’re more emotionally intelligent than most signs, which makes you naturally empathic. 

Being an empath is not easy -- in fact, it comes with a lot of responsibility to understand your emotions and others

More importantly, it’s important to be able to decipher your own emotions from others. 

The Chariot card brings the energy of success, willpower, endurance, balance, confidence, and victory over life conflicts in it’s highest vibration. 

Usually, most people focus on the two horses that represent light energy and shadow energy that must be harnessed equally to successfully stay upon the path. 

However, many miss you in the card, {FIRSTNAME}...

You’re the Warrior that is harnessing both of these powerful horses and keeping the chariot on course. 

If you weren’t naturally gifted with the strength, aptitude, or emotional intelligence that Cancers have, you wouldn’t be able to fulfill your soul mission and face great challenges. 

As a water sign with cardinal energy, you’re meant to fight for those who cannot emotionally advocate for themselves. 

Astrologically, Cancer is the sign of the mother, which gives you a very protective, yet nurturing aura

But… you need to always keep in mind the lesson of The Chariot: make sure you do not put others before yourself, or go astray from your individual soul path.

Boundaries are your new best friend, {FIRSTNAME}. They will protect you from others taking advantage of your caring nature. 

This is the best way to avoid spiraling into a depressive, possessive, clingy, defensive, or downright crabby mode. 

The Chariot invites you to find your soul purpose in life and charge at it with two powerfully balanced horses so that you don’t spend your life fulfilling others’ dreams instead of your own.


Focus: Delivering the Truth -- No Matter What!

Developed: Flexible, Open-Minded, Well-Spoken, Intelligent 

Underdeveloped: Fickle, Superficial, Indecisive, Anxious

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Gemini the day you were born, you’ve embodied the skill of recognizing truth from the Twins and The Lovers. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the sharp tongue of the chatty Twins, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Lovers as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but you’re called to pick the brain of everyone around you -- you’re constantly searching for the truth. 

Your natural ability to intellectually dig comes with a lot of responsibility.  You’re willing to go to great mental and emotional lengths to discover true authenticity. 

In fact, genuineness is the thing that you respect the most -- but you have to decipher through a lot of people, information, and experiences to find that. 

The soul mission delivered to you from the Lovers card does have to do with love necessarily, although that can resonate as truth as well. 

The Lovers card is actually delivering the energy of choice and will, which makes sense as to why it’s duty was bestowed upon you, double-sided Gemini. 

The tale of the Lovers card unfolds as the Fool on the card stumbles upon a beautiful woman at a fork in the road -- he doesn’t just fall for her beauty, he knows that she is his true love because everything about her resonates with him on a soul level. 

However, he knows that his journey would be much easier if he traveled alone, but he recognizes that he may risk regretting leaving the one thing that he knows to be true if he does not choose to take her with him. 

The Lovers card calls upon your ability to decipher the truth and make decisions based on what resonates with your soul. 

This choice also calls forth the obligation to take accountability for the choices you make, find a balance between different areas of your life, and develop creative solutions to problems using your innate intellectual nature. 

You came here to teach people what it takes to truly find the truth and commit to it. 

Don’t forget to keep your travels light-hearted and childlike, {FIRSTNAME}. Whenever you step into your soul purpose and decide to follow your truth, that does not mean that it has to be hard. 


Focus: Establishing Tradition Through Divine Wisdom and Guidance

Developed: Abundant, Luxurious, Determined, Dependable

Underdeveloped: Stubborn, Resistant to Change, Stagnant, Materialistic

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Taurus the day you were born, you’ve embodied the strength of the Bull and The Hierophant. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the persistence and strength of the Bull, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Hierophant as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but you are much more spiritually inclined and wise than most people may give you credit for. 

As a fixed earth sign, it makes sense that you have a very important soul mission to accomplish -- bringing spirituality down to earth

This comes with a lot of responsibility and your spirit guides and angels knew that you would be able to accomplish this because of the commitment you bring as a Taurus.

However, it is important to remind yourself what you’re really here to do -- you may be tempted to focus on material wealth as you’re ruled by the abundant planet, Venus. 

But Venus doesn’t just bring forth wealthy energy -- it brings forth the energy of unconditional love and acceptance, the basis of spirituality. 

We as humans -- you included, {FIRSTNAME}  -- can become easily distracted by the practical matters of earth, but the Hierophant reminds you that you should be mindful of what you consistently give your energy to because it will manifest

You came here to be an important teacher, to help others tap into their intuition, and trust that no matter what

These are the only things that you should remain fixated on though, my bullheaded friend! 

Be mindful of when your intuition guides you to accept change in your life and be open to make adjustments when it’s necessary. 

After all, one of the divine soul lessons of the Hierophant is that the only thing that is constant in this life is change. 


Focus: Harnessing Divine Masculine Energy

Developed: Courageous, Passionate, a Go-Getter, Adventurous

Underdeveloped: Self-Centered, Stubborn, Too Impulsive, Confrontational

{FIRSTNAME}, since the sun was under the sign of Aries the day you were born, you’ve embodied the strength of the Ram and The Emperor. 

That’s right -- you don’t just embody the strength and tenacity of the Ram, but your sign is also divinely connected to The Emperor as your personalized Sacred Tarot Birth Card. 

You probably already feel this, {FIRSTNAME}, but cosmic masculine energy simply flows through you. 

This comes with a lot of responsibility because as a cardinal fire sign, you’re naturally more passionate and impulsive than other signs! 

That’s why The Emperor’s lesson of harnessing stability, leadership, power, authority, logic, will, discipline, and above all else, control is bestowed upon you in this human experience.  

Just as The Emperor depicts in your Sacred Tarot Birth Card, you’re a natural leader that’s not afraid to take initiative, but you must channel your power for good. When an Emperor considers the people of the empire he runs, he makes decisions that are best suited for all. 

However, when The Emperor acts from a place of selfishness, all the people in his kingdom suffer!

It’s very important that you take the time to reflect on your decisions before you make decisions that you may regret. 

And watch out for that temper, {FIRSTNAME}! Just because you’re triggered does not mean that everyone else around you should suffer. 

Instead, use your anger in a healthy way as a catalyst for inspired action to create a solution for the empire you’re creating in your own life. 


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are a Pisces, the Fish. 

But… did you know that Pisces is connected to The Moon card? 

The Moon card symbolizes voluntary change, intuition, illusion, danger, and deception.

You are an emotional person as a Water sign with mutable energy. 

And you are incredibly intuitive, empathic, creative, emotionally intelligent, and generous, {FIRSTNAME}. 

You also are very focused on your community and helping humanity.

But… you need to make sure to work on your weaknesses - being too emotional, impressionable, naive, or closed off.

Pisces can also succumb to victim consciousness and addiction very easily, longing to escape from reality and responsibility.

If you want to be happy, you need to step into your own unique power and not second guess yourself.

It’s critical for you to learn to have stronger energetic boundaries and not focus on pleasing others at your own expense. You must learn to say “no” when “yes” doesn’t make sense for you.

Channeling your emotions and your energy into creative projects, practicing ground exercises, activating your throat chakra, and journaling will all help you immensely. 

It is critically important for you to limit your use of alcohol and recreational drugs if you want to truly fulfill your destiny in this lifetime, {FIRSTNAME}. 


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are an Aquarius, the Water-Bearer. 

But… did you know that Aquarius is connected to The Star card? 

The Star card symbolizes shining bright like the star you are to inspire people to be hopeful and believe in miraculous possibilities.

You are an intellectual person as an Air sign with fixed energy. 

And you are incredibly visionary, unique, intelligent, rebellious, and assertive, {FIRSTNAME}. 

You also are very focused on your community and helping humanity.

But… you need to make sure to work on your weaknesses - being too optimistic, aloofness, unpredictability, and emotional detachment.

You can also have a tendency toward egotism because your unique approaches are vastly different than other signs. 

But remember, we each have our role to play and no one is better than anyone else, {FIRSTNAME}.

With the immense amount of knowledge you acquire, make sure to actually apply it to your life or it won’t have much value. Knowledge without action is pretty useless.

Writing your ideas down and practicing groundedness will go a long way in helping you bring those innovative ideas into reality. 

Your biggest challenge in this lifetime is to become more heart-centered, {FIRSTNAME}. 

And focusing on connecting with your own heart first will help you connect with others.



{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are a Capricorn, the Sea Goat. 

But… did you know that Capricorn is connected to The Devil card? 

The Devil card symbolizes charm, enchantment, and material abundance.

You are a grounded person as an Earth sign with cardinal energy. 

And you are incredibly practical, persistent, disciplined, hardworking, ambitious, realistic, and calm in challenging circumstances, {FIRSTNAME}. 

But… you need to make sure to work on your weaknesses - pessimism, fear of failure, and superficiality.

Don’t overthink things or let fear hold you back from taking action, {FIRSTNAME}. 

And no matter how much you want something, always be honest, even if you think a “little white lie” will get what you want more easily. 

Don’t fall for that temptation. It’s not worth it!

Take the time to write down your ambitions and goals so they are in front of you and be patient as you take the time you need to work toward your goals.


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are a Sagittarius, the Archer. 

But… did you know that Sagittarius is connected to the Temperance card? 

The Temperance card reveals a need to find balance, combine forces with others, tackle problems calmly, and make decisions only after careful planning.

You are an intense person as a Fire sign with mutable energy. And you are incredibly optimistic, honest, independent, philosophical, expansive, and adventurous.

You also are very ambitious, spontaneous, and charismatic, {FIRSTNAME}. 

But… you need to make sure to work on your weaknesses - impatience, unreliability, flakiness, and nosiness. 

And you need to spend more time focusing on the details, and keeping yourself accountable to following through with your goals.

Take the time to stop and smell the roses instead of just focusing on where you want to be. Remember it’s about the journey, not the destination, {FIRSTNAME}!

Setting lofty goals, creating a detailed plan of action to achieve them, and realizing that you must be patient with yourself as you work to attain them will give you a much better result.


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are a Scorpio, the Scorpion. 

But… did you know that Scorpio is connected to the Death card? 

The Death card symbolizes deep change and transformation and as a Scorpio, you will undergo many transformations in your life.

You are a deeply emotional person as a Water sign with fixed energy. And you are incredibly honest, loyal, creative, determined, ambitious, discerning, and intuitive.

But… you need to make sure to work on your weaknesses - jealousy, possessiveness, obsession, secrecy, having a negative mindset, resentment, revengefulness, and controlling behavior.

In order to be truly happy, you must begin to learn to trust people and open up your hidden emotions. 

You also need to give people space and independence and not see them as “yours”. 

It’s very hard for you to be vulnerable and trust others, but it is necessary if you want to have healthy relationships, {FIRSTNAME}.


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are a Libra, the Scales of Justice. 

But… did you know that Libra is connected to the Justice card? 

The Justice card symbolizes balance, kindness, fairness, and focus on making decisions that are fair to all people involved.

You are a very intellectual person as an Air sign with cardinal energy. And you are incredibly fair, social, charismatic, idealistic, and diplomatic.

But… you need to make sure to work on your weaknesses - focusing too much on pleasing others to your own detriment, avoiding confrontation, and being clever to the point of being manipulative.

You can also be too indecisive and not take the time to find out what you really want in life and focus on pleasing others instead of pursuing your own dreams.

Spend more time focusing on making decisions and holding yourself accountable for the decisions you make. Learn from “negative’ experiences instead of letting them upset you. 


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are a Virgo, the Virgin. 

But… did you know that Virgo is connected to the Hermit card? 

The Hermit card signifies that you are a person who needs to take life a bit slower than others and focus on fulfilling your life’s mission.

You are a very grounded person as an Earth sign with mutable energy. 

As a perfectionist, you can excel in many areas of your life. You are a fantastic communicator and nurture those around you.  

You are a hard worker and it you utilize both your intuition and your discernment, you will go far in life 

But… you need to make sure to work on your weaknesses - perfectionism, judgement of others, anxiety and worry, and never being satisfied by your present life.

It’s also important to be less critical of others and of yourself. Make sure you don’t keep others at bay by hiding your emotions.

Work on opening up your heart chakra, {FIRSTNAME}, so you can get comfortable connecting with feelings and sharing them with others more easily.


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are a Leo, the Lion. 

But… did you know that Leo is connected to the Strength card? 

The Strength card symbolizes courage and having power in all aspects or your life - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 

You face your problems head-on and defeat them with your will-power. 

And as long as you practice self-control, you have the ability to overcome great obstacles that would send others running to hide, {FIRSTNAME}.

You are a very intense person as a fire sign with fixed energy and you can be incredibly confident, assertive, and creative. 

And as the queen or king of the jungle, you are a natural, strong leader.  

But… you need to make sure to work on your weaknesses - pride, vanity, and ego. Being confident is great. Thinking you are better than others isn’t.

Make sure that you stick to your path and don’t let other people side track you. You KNOW you have important work to do!

And remember, {FIRSTNAME}, the best way to lead others is to listen and lead by example. Others will do what you do far more than what you say!

Whenever you feel argumentative, calm down by writing down your feelings before talking. It will help you sort out your feelings so you can express them more clearly and rationally.


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are a Cancer, the Crab. 

But… did you know that Cancer is connected to The Chariot card? 

The Chariot card is connected to success, willpower, endurance, health, organization, confidence, and victory over life conflicts. 

You have the ability to face great challenges that would destroy others, {FIRSTNAME}.

You are a very emotional person as a water sign with cardinal energy and you can be incredibly empathic, intuitive, nurturing, and protective of those you love.

But… you need to make sure to work on not putting others before yourself or becoming too enmeshed with other people, losing who you truly are in the process.

Let boundaries become your new best friend, {FIRSTNAME}. They will protect you from others taking advantage of your caring, loving, giving nature.

As unnatural as it will feel to you, it is critical that you put your needs and your family’s needs before the needs of others or you will end up feeling drained, depressed, and eventually resentful.

Other traits that can cause problems for you are being possessive, clingy, or defensive. 

Make sure you take time to look at the big picture and not get so caught up in the details that you don’t see the forest, but only the trees.

It’s crucial for you to focus on finding your purpose in life and living it so you don’t spend your life fulfilling others dreams instead of your own.


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are a Gemini, The Twins. 

But… did you know that Gemini is connected to The Lovers card? 

The Lovers card symbolizes intelligence, attraction, beauty, a childlike nature, and overcoming trials.

You are a very intellectual person as an Air sign with mutable energy and you can be incredibly playful, social, and creative.

But… you need to work on your “adulting” skills so you don’t end up acting like a child in situations that require maturity.

Make sure you avoid gossiping and focus on balancing the two sides of your nature as much as you can (it won’t be easy, but you can get there if you work hard on it!)

You need to work on commitment and accountability, {FIRSTNAME}. Don’t bail when things get tough. Challenges give you strength!

Whenever you need to have an important discussion with someone, it can be incredibly helpful to write down your thoughts to process everything first so you don’t overwhelm others with too many words that go in circles.

Do your best to channel your energy into creative projects instead of just talking with everyone about them instead of taking action. And consider asking an Aries friend to help you.

Whenever you start feeling defensive, do your best to switch your thoughts to curiosity instead.

Try “I wonder why that person thinks that weird untrue thing about me?” instead of “WTF?!? You are a jerk!”

Focus on your childlike qualities (innocence, joy, fresh perspectives, curiosity) as opposed to childish behaviors (immaturity, quitting when frustrated, defensiveness).


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are a Taurus, the Bull. 

But… did you know that Taurus is connected to The Hierophant card?

The Hierophant card symbolizes doctrine, manifestation, teaching, intuition, guidance, authority, and divine wisdom.

You are a very grounded person as an Earth sign with fixed energy and you can be incredibly disciplined, persistent, and hard-working.

Lucky you, {FIRSTNAME}! Taureans naturally attract abundance and tend to be very physically attractive. 

You also probably have an open throat chakra and are able to easily express yourself verbally. And you may be in love with being in love.

But… you can be stubborn and find it hard to make adjustments to changes that life throws your way. 

And if you are stressed out, you can bury your emotions in food or shopping sprees. And you can be blinded by love and not see your romantic partner for who they really are. 

It’s important for you to learn to roll with life’s changes, {FIRSTNAME}. And let people go who are no longer a fit in your life. 

Make sure to create back-up plans in case your first plan doesn’t pan out. That way you can always have the stability you love and not throw your life into chaos when things don’t work out as you planned.


{FIRSTNAME}, as I’m sure you know, you are an Aries, the Ram. 

But… did you know that Aries is connected to The Emperor card? 

The Emperor card represents masculine energy, stability, leadership, power, authority, reason, control, self-discipline, and will-power.

You are a fiery person with cardinal energy who has an immense amount of inner strength that will give you the energy to take action easily.

You are gifted as a natural born leader, filled with initiative and the ability to inspire others.

It is very important for you to avoid acting too quickly though, {FIRSTNAME}. Being hasty or overzealous can lead to problems if you aren’t careful. 

As the first sign of the zodiac, you can be naive and sometimes selfish if you aren’t careful to express empathy for others in your life.

It’s very important that you take the time to reflect on your decisions and process your life experiences before taking action in new directions so you don’t have regrets. 

And watch out for that temper, {FIRSTNAME}! Look out for triggers for your anger and see how you can approach communication in a calmer manner after you take time to sort out your feelings.

Do your best to channel that intense energy into passion for your hobbies or career instead.